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My Pet Peeves (on Fibs)

Started by socksey, February 19, 2009, 02:26:14 PM

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Quote from: diane on February 20, 2009, 09:03:23 AM
I mostly avoid players who shout or tell during matches.

I just do that to show you how I can whip you while demonstrating that I'm barely paying attention to our match. :-)


Don't we all?????????   :lol:


"The party which, in its drive for unity, discipline and success ever decides to exclude new ideas, independent conduct or insurgent members, is in danger." - John F. Kennedy


QuoteTo me, it is much more like walking into the house of a mutual acquaintance that you have not met before, and immediately telling them they need to rearrange their furniture....

Well, I don't think so.  A more accurate analogy would be walking into a library and, upon noticing a terrible flaw with their shelving system, politely suggesting an alternative.  I doubt they would be bothered by your interest, and would not expect you to be completely abreast of library's shelving history before making your comment. "Here go and wade through our documented shelving history so we you wont make a stupid suggestios like this again!"  Maybe they have heard it all before, or... it's quite possible that the library has never even considered your proposed idea. 

QuoteI left the last one in, mostly because I like is so chicken and egg - if it werent raining I wouldnt need to lug an umbrella around - broken or otherwise  Wink  And since I never carry an umbrella and am happy to get wet, maybe that says something very profound

I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to say, but I think you miss the point.  The point is that it will always rain.  If you don't like getting wet (getting dropped) you should have a functioning umbrella.  If your umbrella is broken, it is not the fault of the rain.


I have two:

- People who complain incessantly because I don't run the server exactly the way that they think I should
- People who have some great "new" idea for how I should change FIBS, then argue with me when I tell them that it's not as easy as they think and that it wouldn't work the way they think it would

It's amazing how many people are complete experts on code they've never seen.  "You should do (whatever).  It would only take you about ten minutes to make the change."  Well, no.  It's actually about ten hours of coding and it would break every single client in existence.  You'd be amazed at how many people have argued with me, telling me, "No, it's only about five lines of code."  Usually this comes from somebody with about 50 experience, but man is he an expert on the way FIBS works.

(That was not directed at anyone in this discussion.)

I've also had people tell me that I *have* to monitor the chat and ban people who say whatever it is that they personally find offensive, or that I have to chase down every single dropper and make them resume, or that I should verify each new user by phone, or...

Clearly I'm being negligent if I don't spend all of my waking hours taking care of FIBS.


Here, here! I couldn't agree more. Bunch of little bitchy whiners.
"Liberals are free thinkers. Free of standards. Free of historical facts and free to disagree without a clue as to how they came to have this freedom" -Markee