SIAP: Can Someone Help With a FIBS Game Portal / Saved Game Issue?

Started by jrayray, June 11, 2010, 09:30:50 PM

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Hi. I am a Noob and play on FIBS almost 100% through my Google G1 Phone. Through a combination of:

1) A few games where the Connection dropped out
2) A number of games where the other person left and thus left me with an unfinished game, and
3) Several instances where I try to resume games with people, but they won't or can't for some reason,

I now have 28 'Saved' games and cannot invite people to new games.  I'm not trying to cheat, not trying to artificially inflate my score somehow, and just simply want to play the game fairly like most others. However, I don't see any possible path to "get back in the good graces of FIBS if I can't get anyone to resume a game with me. Heck, some of those folks might not even play on here anymore, so what can I do about that?

Does anyone have advice on a recommended path to improve my standing? I feel like I'm trying to get help with a credit score or something. :-) Thanks, jrayray


The saved games will age out eventually.  I think it's roughly 30 to 60 days, so you will  get another chance.

I think the main problem is that phones are pretty flaky as fibs clients, so phone users are unreliable opponents regardless of their best intentions.  Since phone users are unreliable, many regulars won't play them (myself included).  This means that you're stuck playing other phone users and droppers.  Unfortunately, when the droppers drop, or the phone users flake, you get stuck with a saved game.  The solution to this is to pick better behaved opponents, but as a newbie phone user you'll have trouble getting "better behaved" players to play you.

My advice to get out of the ghetto.  Get a real client, finish all your matches, and once you get 1000 experience points and a good repbot rating, maybe you can return to using your G1 phone.


I don't know your application capabilities, but saved games go away in about 90 days.  If you are getting disconnected within a game, you may not be able to ever get your saved games down to a reasonable level.  I suggest you play on a real computer and get javafibs or 3dfibs application to play with.  3dfibs has a built in show saved games # and javafibs has programmable buttons that you can make to help you with repbot, saved, etc.  It seems that phone users really have far less options, unfortunately.   :unhappy:


"I once shook hands with Pat Boone and my whole right side sobered up." - Dean Martin


Thanks for the insight. I appreciate you taking the time to post a reply. ~ J