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Xmas Appeal

Started by stog, December 08, 2011, 04:36:42 PM

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for the xmas Appeal, UK based, you can read about the results of previous appeals as well as see slideshows and films and of course donate  to--->

or International ----->ShelterBox which is an international disaster relief charity that delivers emergency shelter, warmth and dignity to people affected by disaster worldwide

ShelterBox responds instantly to natural and man-made disasters by delivering boxes of aid to those who are most in need.
Each box supplies an extended family of up to 10 people with a tent and essential equipment to use while they are displaced or homeless.

or both
Happy Xmas xx

A Step Away From Homelessness - BBC Radio 4 Christmas Appeal

View a slideshow from BBC magazine Ariel about the appeal.

read more in the 'homeless' topic


2013 uk appeal

or International ----->ShelterBox which is an international disaster relief charity that delivers emergency shelter, warmth and dignity to people affected by disaster worldwide


QuoteAdvisers at Shelter's national helpline are doing everything they can to make the call-centre office feel like a cheerful environment. Tinsel with Christmas baubles has been hung from the ceiling, tiny silver Christmas trees and felt reindeer have been stuck on the tops of computer screens, cotton-wool icicles are hanging from the windows, and colleagues have brought in mince pies and chocolates to share.

You quickly understand why maintaining a good mood in the office is important if you spend time listening in to the calls that come in, at a rate of around 500 a day, from people facing imminent homelessness or already sleeping rough and seeking advice about how to find somewhere new to live.