Commands that display general information regarding TourneyBot.
tell TourneyBot admin
Shows who the TourneyBot administrator is.
Everyone |
You: tell TourneyBot admin
TourneyBot: The TourneyBot administrator is MadMatt.
tell TourneyBot help [<command>]
Displays help about the specified command (given the argument), or lists all commands.
Everyone |
You: tell TourneyBot help dropout
TourneyBot: Syntax: TELL TOURNEYBOT DROPOUT <number>
TourneyBot: Displays help about the specified command (given the argument), or
lists all commands.
tell TourneyBot moderators
Lists all moderators. (Moderators are tourney directors, that is, the people who hold tourneys, set the rules, resolve disputes etc.)
Everyone |
You: tell TourneyBot moderators
TourneyBot: These people can moderate tourneys: MadMatt, Kari_Grandi, houtx, tem_sat, PumpkinEater, jonjon, diane, Tomawaky, HumanIAm, socksey, tryout, jinnate and alef.
tell TourneyBot subscribe
This command is for those who want to receive TourneyBot shouts in tells, so that they can keep toggle silent on all the time, but still receive all TourneyBot information. See also unsubscribe.
Everyone |
You: tell TourneyBot subscribe
TourneyBot: You will receive my shouts in tells from now on.
tell TourneyBot subscribers
Lists all subscribers (people who receieve TourneyBot shouts in tells).
Moderators |
You: tell TourneyBot subscribers
TourneyBot: Listing subscribers:
TourneyBot: MadMatt, diane, Carolina_Blue, zdoc, jinnate
TourneyBot: Done listing subscribers.
tell TourneyBot unsubscribe
Stops sending TourneyBot shouts to you in tells. See also subscribe.
Everyone |
You: tell TourneyBot unsubscribe
TourneyBot: You will no longer receive my shouts in tells.
tell TourneyBot version
Sends the software version information to the requesting player via tell.
Everyone |
You: tell TourneyBot version
TourneyBot: Hello, this is TourneyBot 1.3beta4. If you have comments or want to report a problem, please contact MadMatt.
tell TourneyBot yes
Confirms something. It's usually sent when TourneyBot prompts you to confirm the previous command. Usually you will have about 10 seconds to send the confirmation. If you fail to do so within the specified time limit, your previous command will be ignored.
Everyone |
You: tell TourneyBot dropout 93
TourneyBot: Are you sure you want to drop out of Single Elimination Bracket Tourney #93 (Tourney #93)? (send 'yes' in 10 seconds or less.)
You: tell TourneyBot yes
TourneyBot: You have been removed from Single Elimination Bracket Tourney #93 (Tourney #93).