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Seeking Help From Fibsters For Charity

Started by TartanAXDave, October 06, 2005, 11:47:18 AM

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Because my computer crashed badly and I lost a lot of my information such as IDs and passwords, I've been playing as WorstNightmare since I got new hard drive and modem installed.
Recently, while playing I shared some shouts with diane and a few others.
diane suggested I should post here to capture the attention of more of the Fibsters.
I'm planning a charity walk from London to Edinburgh via Ipswich, Norfolk etc, in aid of the British Heart Foundation and possibly a couple of other charities.
We need some help.
All is explained in the draft of a book I'm writing about the proposed walk, and my efforts to raise funds to get from New Zealand to London in the first place.
If you are interested in knowing more in detail, and having an enjoyable read, I hope, email me at and I'll send you a PDF of the draft so far, some 28 pages of paperback dimensions.
Any questions, ask them here, and I'll do mt best to answer them.


I'm now writing page 129, Chapter 22.
It's staggering to think that my earlier posting was so long ago!
I had intended originally to start the around-Britain charity walk in April 2006.
Then, it was to begin with an entry in the Flora London Marathon 2007. Well, that marathon will take place on 22 April - a week from today - and I won't even be in Britain!
I've been unsuccessful in my quest for sponsorship to get me from New Zealand to London, and to provide me with the necessaries for the walk, which should take some 5 months. I'm still trying to find a way - and prepared to change my start date (obviously).
Some of our BGers have been very kind and generous to me; for example an offer of accommodation in London for a few days before I set out from Trafalagar Square.
Just thought I should post this here to let you all know I'm still intending . . . .
Thought I might have got some replies/comments to my earlier posting(?)


Maybe if you give us some more information people will respond more.
What do you need? What is the charity for?
"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
Bruce Lee
Orion Pax |



I remember helping sponsor Mookie's walk from Tennessee to Nigeria, but never found out how that ended.


All is revealed in my draft book; Part 1 is about my efforts to raise funds to get to London to begin the WALK, and Part 2 will be about the WALK itself, and should be all about people and places and events.
It started when I was wakening up after quadruple heart bypass surgery in January 1997. I 'dreamed' of a voice telling me that I'd have to walk from London to Edinburgh to complete my recovery. Over the next few years that thought would not leave me.
I started to seek sponsorship from people and companies in Britain; I could not ask New Zealanders to sponsor a walk that would be in Britain.
During this time I was in email contact with Peter Schmalisch in Hereford, England; I was assisting him on World War 1 research. Later, returning on holiday from Thailand, he had a heart attack in the aircraft. He woke up in hospital in Britain, and had quadruple heart bypass surgery! Peter asked me if he might do the WALK with me, and one thing led to another, and we extended it to be an around-Britain charity walk, some 4,000 kms over some 5 months. The beneficiaries will be The British Heart Foundation and the Rett Syndrome Association (U. K.); Peter's daughter, Tanya, is a victim of Rett's and Peter is doing some charity walks for Rett's.
Another friend, Sean Ryan in Eire, not far from Dublin, has kindly allowed me space on his website where he has a small section on charities - go read.
Why do I need sponsorship? Because I'm a pensioner - 66 years old - and without funds. How much have I raised so far? NZ$2,635. How much is my budget? Some NZ$40,000. Why so much? I have the airfare, but it's going to take a fair bit more for 5 months of walking. A support vehicle in which we can sleep, or some other accommodation each night. Publicity resources so that we (hopefully people in the different regions working at it for us) can be in contact with radio and media up ahead of where we are each day in order to inform as many people as possible that we're coming through and seeking their donations. Printing/copying of leaflets for distribution as we walk. Insurance for 5 months. Food. Any medical requirements. Shoes. The list just keeps going on and on. It's like organising an expedition.
If you'd like to read in .pdf Acrobat Reader format my book as it stands so far, send email to and ask me for a copy.
By the way, originally I had a PayPal account for donations (started by Sean Ryan for me, with a generous donation to get it started), but I've had nothing but trouble with it in the last 18 months or so. I cannot log in to it, and I keep sending fax messages to PayPal in America trying to get it straightened out. Luckily there's little in it as I opened a special bank account solely for the WALK's account.
